In 1989, the great singer/songwriter Carole King penned a compelling song, Legacy. She tells the listener that while we are trapped running in a rat maze, we forget to think about the legacy we want to leave behind.
This timeless song asks the following question: How do we want to be remembered? What will your descendants, colleagues and the world remember about you? By thinking about our legacies and serving one another, we are actually telling everyone that our lives and work really matter. What will be your legacy?
“It’s gotta begin with you”
What is a legacy? It is every human’s utmost desire to bequeath a mark or impression on the world. As we journey through life, we need to answer the following questions: Are we leaving the world a better place than how we found it? Are we doing things that are significant and enduring? Do we inspire others to achieve their ultimate potential?
A legacy is not only about producing results or record-breaking achievements; a legacy is about serving others.
A legacy is a lifetime of work, transpiring every day. Helping others is extraordinarily important to mankind and the world. Why? Because service gives our lives a sense of meaning and purpose. Nothing else is greater than knowing that we have made a difference in the world.
Many of us think that we do not have the time or the skills to serve others. Some people think that the problem is too big for them to make a difference. But we can make a difference in the little things we do every day. For example, when you are scrambling around to get things done around the office, do you stop and take the time to listen to a colleague who is having difficulty with an assignment? Do you answer a call from someone asking for advice? Do you stop in to see your elderly neighbors and ask if they need anything from the store? Do you deliver the leftover flowers from an event to a nursing home in the neighborhood? Do you look the store clerk in the eye and really take the time to listen to how their day is going?
No matter how menial the task may seem, a legacy is all about leaving the world a better place with what you did.
“You used to be as a child full of hope and wonder”
Millions of people around the world respond that “work-life balance” is the number one concern in their lives. While working at a frenetic pace, we rarely stop and think about the direction of our life and career. Do you ever stop and ask yourself: Do I truly love the work that I am doing? If I were given the opportunity to do my dream job, what would it be? How do I affect the lives of others?
People become frustrated with experts giving advice on “work-life balance” because it is so personal. How can we expect an expert to give us advice about what is important to us? But how can we expect anything to change if we do not stop and truthfully answer these questions? As adults, we have layers and layers of filters on top of our dreams and aspirations. The challenge is to eliminate the thought that you cannot do something or you missed the opportunity. There is always time. It’s never too late to develop your legacy. Observe young children for a few minutes. Look at their limitless daydreaming and imagination. Imagine what you could do. And you know what? The urge to pursue your earlier passions and aspirations will return to you.
“Watcha gonna do about it”
How do you affect the lives of others? There have been many studies on how far our influence can be extended, and we know for a fact that pushing or bullying people does not work. People are willing to be influenced if they feel appreciated and understood. Influencing others is about moving people forward. It is one of the most powerful forces. The challenge of influencing or having an impact on others is to understand ourselves first and how others perceive us. Our personal brand, or reputation, are influential.
In my book, “The Talking Stick According to Michele: Reflecting on Your Personal Brand,” I describe how my mom gave the following advice to my five siblings and me: “Be careful with what you say and what you do, for whatever you choose reflects on our family name and reputation.” My mom was a phenomenal woman. She left a tremendous legacy—one of serving others before herself—the core value of one’s reputation. Mom was known for being an empathetic listener, a kind adviser and a classic storyteller with a tremendous sense of humor. Her 30+ years of work at our parish rectory was truly one of serving others. Mom loved her work. She left a mark on so many. Now that is a legacy!
Looking back, I realize mom provided us with early training on the self-branding process—so natural, such wisdom! Self-branding is about building and maintaining your family name and reputation. As children, we clearly understood that positive words and actions would protect our reputation while negative choices would hurt our image and that of our family. It was also very clear that it was our duty and responsibility to our family to help preserve its reputation. A core value was instilled to support personal branding, the core value of representing a group first—your family—followed by your individuality.
Why is one’s reputation important? Most people agree that there is a direct correlation between a person’s reputation and his or her professional success and, ultimately, a company’s bottom line. How effectively you represent yourself in public often determines what you will accomplish in your career—and life.
Your name can open—and close—doors for you. Guarding your personal brand needs to be a priority.
Telling Stories
Since the early 1960s, Carole King has written the lyrics and music of scores of songs made famous by others. She has developed a tremendous legacy of telling stories through music. Legacies are passed on in the stories we share with one another.
What stories will others tell about you in the future? What will they learn from your legacy? What stories do you share with others about others?
Every day gives us numerous opportunities to make a small difference. Do you make a difference? After all, a legacy begins with you—and is timeless.
*The headers in quotes are from the Carole King song “Legacy.”
Michele Wierzgac, MSEd, speaker and author, promises that you will leave her solution-driven keynotes and workshops with at least one passionate, life transforming, leadership tool – something that will change the way you seek out a solution and practically apply it without getting stuck.
Email Michele at [email protected] or give her a call at (708) 710-7055!